Meeting Challenges
With its recent rebranding, Prudential needed to realign the messaging for each business unit. The new tag line,"Bring Your Challenges", acknowledges today's economy and offers innovation and vision to meet current challenges. In the area of Group Life Insurance, EPO Inc. sought to fufill this promise with a campaign designed to inspire confidence — Live Forward.
Live Forward
The rationale behind "Live Forward" is that you can influence your future with what you do today. It builds on the positive notion that you can make better the lives of those who depend on you with a simple act.
Providing Segmented Tools for Greater Enrollment
With group insurance, employees need to be educated and made personally involved in the process. During Open Enrollment, information is distributed to every employee. Segmented communications were developed to divide the audience by age, gender and lifestyle.
Interactive Response
To further educate employees and engage them in the process of enrollment, EPO Inc. helped develop a website that allows them to track along their specific profile. It addresses their needs and goals, along with providing them an exact cost for their plan.