Changing the Perceptions of Long-Term Care
Prudential was faced with the challenge of how to increase enrollment in their Group Long-Term Care Insurance business. The answer was to dislodge the belief that long-term care was only relevant for a pre-retirement and older audience. EPO Inc. developed a game changing campaign, which positions long-term care insurance as essential for any age and intregal in every financial plan.
Long Term Ready
The fact that your life savings could be consumed as a result of long-term care, would seem reason enough to have the necessary insurance. Unlike other types of insurance, however, no one under 55 considers it. For our campaign we had to skew younger and touch on emotions felt by everyone. By coupling emotionally charged words with "Long Term", the campaign speaks to a broader audience and continually challenges them to think Long Term Ready.
Online Presentation
EPO Inc. is creating an online presentation (still in progess) to facilitate the education and discovery necessary with this product. The result will be a browser based tool that can be made plan specific, which will greatly reduce the need for on-site support by Prudential.
Other Sales Support
When group insurance is offered by a company to its employees, there is a need to repeatedly inform and guide the employee around the time of enrollment. As part of this campaign, we developed both print and interactive communications to facilitate the decision making process and ultimately grow enrollment.